His banner of me is LOVE.


being a Lotspeich.

I have been married to Cory for 20 days today! Each day i learn something new about him, about me, about the Lord, and about love. I LOVE being married. Living with your best friend...doing life with him, growing closer to the heart of the Lord with him....fun. :) Being married to a man who, really really really does love the Lord, and who really really really wants what the Lord has for him/us...even if its not easy....its amazing. to be married to some one that is protective over me...in every sense of the word...i cannot tell you how wonderful that is, to know that i dont have to be "strong" for my self anymore, that i dont have to put up some wall to protect me...very freeing.
I remember when Cory met my dad for the first time, it was in august. He and dad went out to eat, and talked, then we all, (mom, dad, me and Cory) were all going to go out for sea food that night, we were sitting in the living room, getting ready to go, when mom starts to say something, and the thing that stuck out the most to me, was the fact that she said something about how many of my walls had come down once i started dating Cory. i however, hadnt thought about it that way, but its true. once i knew i was going to be with Cory forever, and that he was not only going to be my husband, but was my best friend...my walls came down, i knew in my heart, that i was safe with Cory. That my fears, my scars, my tears, my joys, my laughter, my thoughts, my heart, all of it was safe with Cory. The Lord is good...He is so good, and that is an understatement. His timing is everything. His promises...He keeps. I have grown so much closer to the Lord than i thought i could while being with Cory.

Everyday is a new adventure with him. its always something new and fun. and lots of laughter. i like it. and when things are hard... we get threw what ever it is...and we are closer, to each other and to the Lord, and its wonderful! and i know alot of you dont know, but over the past few months, cory and i have some pretty big things go down, where all we could do what trust the Lord, to not trust the Lord would be to painful, and i think we were in enough pain....and to look back today, and look at how we walked out what we did, and more than that, how awesome the Lord was/is to us, and how He really came though in HUGE ways...it leaves me speechless...I never thought this would be life...but i am so lovin it! and wouldn't trade anything about it. i love living, laughing, crying, praying, seeking the lord, going on adventures, doing nothing, cooking, riding in a car, watching movies, going to the store late at night, playing disc golf, going on walks, and so much more with my best friend. Thankful. I am so very Thankful.


Galatians 3:17

 What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise.